STEAM Training Programs

STEAM Sports Camps

We believe an important way to engage underserved Black, Latinx, AAPI, Native American, LGBTQ populations is to introduce them to STEAM through sports they are familiar with. We offer our STEAM Sports BallPoppers Academy: We have hosted a summer basketball camp where we trained 125+ low income boys and girls in our STEAMSport program. We partnered with organizations like the Golden State Warriors, Alameda Parks & Recreation Department and other groups to offer free week long basketball camps. College and High School coaches volunteered their services to conduct skills training and scrimmage opportunities.

We will be offering national expanded STEAM Sports camps focused on combining sports skills in: Basketball, Soccer, Football, Baseball and Tennis. While the first half of the camp teaches basic sports skills the second half will offer kids the opportunities to choose between playing with: Robots, Lego Building, Intro to Coding games, Digital Music creation, Art & Maker Creations, and other STEAM related play activities.

The unique aspect of our programs include exposure to STEAM occupations by featuring multicultural women and men speakers who were athletes at one time. They will share how they moved into a variety of careers and STEAM occupations including: Robotics Entrepreneur, Biotech , Data Scientist, Digital Media Production Designer, Pediatrician, AI developer and more. They will discuss how important their sports training was to their education and attainment of their career goals. The children will be excited to see role models who looked like them and talked about the adversities they faced as children growing up in challenging environments.

Through these unique opportunities we expose youth to diverse STEAM speakers and role models. We want to motivate, inspire and connect these youth's perception of how their participation in sports and education can lead to STEAM careers.

Our approach is to work with the kids in the environments and activities they are most comfortable and engaged with. By providing multicultural and women role models whom they can relate to, they can be encouraged and inspired by their stories to achieve great careers and futures.

STEAM Afterschool Programs

Lego-Arduino Building-Electronics workshops

Working with high school and college students to donate their Legos, puzzles and other STEAM related activities, puzzles, development and electronic toys to underserved children. They will volunteer their time on an ongoing basis to work and play with the kids teaching and guiding them on how to assemble, build and problem solve to make new creations.

Their involvement will build a bridge between underserved and underprivileged children with students they would normally never interact with. This fosters a level of awareness, understanding and support to both teen aged and pre-K to 6th grade children. This helps the high school student fulfill their community volunteer needs while helping out

Robotics Workshops & Competition

Working with local Robotic organizations to provide Robot assembly kits through afterschool programs targeted to underserved kids in Elementary - High School programs. Robot assembly and remote controlled kits will be offered to the students through partnerships and local fundraising sources. Partnerships and resources locally will be identified to participate.

The workshops will culminate in Final Robot competitions and workshop attendees will participate. Parents will be invited to view and encourage their team members. Prizes, participation and recognition awards will be given out.

STEAMTec High School Clubs & Hackathons

Local STEAMTec high school clubs will be formed and members recruited to participate in various programs including the Legos-Building-Electronics, Robotics workshops. STEAM speakers from local companies will be invited to address the club members about the challenges and description of the jobs they hold.

Additional activities will be decided and implemented by each club. Hackathons and other STEAM related challenges will be pursued and offered as partners. Internships and apprenticeship programs will be developed to support the members.

STEAM Tech Team Challenges

Teams will be formed for grades 3-12 to participate in STEAM Tec challenges held by regional organizations including Tech Challenge by Silicon Valley Tech Museum, First USA Robot challenges, etc. Regional and National partners will be identified and recruited as partners.

STEAM Digital Arts

Digital graphics, music production, video creation for platforms like Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, and others have become their mainstay activities. These skills and interests are used for careers in all industries and we need to prepare them for careers deploying all these skills in Digital Filmmaking, Entertainment, Digital Media, Social Media and all the new AI related activities and occupations.

Therefore Digital Media is the area of strong interest and desire for participation for the kids. Working with High School and College Students, we are creating opportunities to practice and be mentored in digital arts.